Does My Cat Like Me?
What are the ways cats show their affection towards people?
Is my cat affectionate?
These are all valid questions. As a lifelong cat owner and sufferer to all the kitten whims you may imagine, I can certainly try to list some signs that may help you understand which behaviors betray the kitten love you so crave.
Some of them will be obvious to you, some of them a bit less, but in this article I will simply list them in hopes that these hints will be useful to you.
The first sign I would point out is the purring. And while it is a surefire way to know your cat enjoys something, keep in mind that cats purr for a variety of other reasons too. While a good starting point, you need more signs to be sure of your cat's undying love.
The second sign would be the cat offerings. And I mean dead little things. Mice, birds, insects, etc. Not nice, but definitely either a gift or the cat's attempt to teach you how to hunt. In any case, it means the cat deems you worthy of a gift.
Next signs are the insistent rubbing against you, maintaining odd eye contact and persistently trying to sit on you. Unless you are the most comfortable place in your entire house, you can bet that your cat loves you. It claims you as its own property.
While I would love to elaborate more on these signs, I already did so in more detail in the article Cats and Affection - How Cats Show Love and you can check it out there for more information.
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